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Authentication is done via x509 SSL certificates When no token is available (missing or expired), the client will automatically create a token (AliEn side short lived certificate).

Certificate/token locations

The location of user certificate can be customized by X509_USER_{CERT,KEY} env vars (should point to files), and if not set the default location is ${HOME}/.globus/user{cert,key}.pem

The location of token certificate can be customized by JALIEN_TOKEN_{CERT,KEY} env vars, which can either point to a file, or have actually the certificate content (the client will create temporary files). If these are not set, the default files ${TMPDIR}/token{cert,key}_$UID.pem will be used. (if TMPDIR is not set, /tmp will be used)


On clusters like lxplus /tmp is private to the node, so for each login the token will be lost.
Use/set a TMPDIR relative to the ${HOME}

Certificate/token information/verification

  • Information on certificate/token is printed by commands: cert-info/token-info

  • Verification against the known CA certificates is done by : cert-verify/token-verify


when certificate is known to be valid, this can check if the correct directory of CA certificates is seen.

  • Checking the key against the certificate: certkey-match/tokenkey-match


These operations does not require network connectivity.

Token operations

  • alien-token-init is an alias to token-init
  • token-init can be used for token customization token-init -h
    INFO: token is automatically created, use this for token customization
    usage: token-init   [-options]
    -u <username>          :  switch to another role of yours
    -v <validity (days)>   :  default depends on token type
    -t <tokentype>         :  can be one of: job, jobagent, host, user (default)
    -jobid <job DN extension>  :  expected to be present in a job token
    -hostname <FQDN>       :  required for a host certificate
  • token-destroy will delete the token files.


For programatic usage use token command (same options as token-init); print only command.
Allow usage like:

eval $( -json token | jq -r '.["results"][0] |  "JALIEN_TOKEN_CERT=\"\(.tokencert)\"", "JALIEN_TOKEN_KEY=\"\(.tokenkey)\""')
This will define in the current environment JALIEN_TOKEN_CERT and JALIEN_TOKEN_KEY

Role change

user <username> command will change the role of current user temporary. (like doing su <username>)


use user for temporary change of the role.
user token-init to create a new token, for prolonged use of the alternate user name.