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JAliEn Startup Scripts

JAliEn startup scripts are used to control CE and MonaLisa services on VOboxes. The production versions reside in /cvmfs/


Usage: <Command> [<Service> ...]

<Command> is one of: start status stop restart condrestart mlstatus check

<Service> is one of: ce monalisa (defaulting to 'ce' if not specified)

Running a command without specifying a service will run the command just on the CE service.


The following parameters can be overridden by defining them in $HOME/.alien/config/ as key-value pairs, but their (unspecified) default values should usually be fine:

#MONALISA_HOME=<MonaLisa package location>

Note: MONALISA_HOME would typically be used to specify a local installation. The value install can be used to have a default version downloaded and configured.

If it is required to run any shell command before starting either of the services, they can be added in $HOME/.alien/config/CE.env or $HOME/.alien/config/ml.env. Both files should typically contain a command to define the X509_USER_PROXY if needed for job submission by the JAliEn CE and which should then be monitored by MonALISA, for example as follows:

export X509_USER_PROXY=$(ls -t /var/lib/vobox/alice/proxy_repository/*lcgadmin | sed q)
export   # only needed for MonALISA

Note: if the JAliEn CE does not need an X509 proxy, please ensure those variables are not defined for the services, to avoid false alarms in the VObox monitoring tests!

Note: the JAliEn CE needs a valid VObox token (typically provided through ~/.globus/host{cert,key}.pem) to be able to submit jobs.

Note: the JAliEn CE may need a valid WLCG token in ~/.globus/wlcg.dat to be able to submit jobs to site CE services.

Job script customization

The job script submitted by the JAliEn CE (typically ~/ALICE/tmp/agent.startup.$PID) can be customized with one or more scripts located in the home directory:

  • ~/ - Contents get inserted before the JAliEn environment setup.
  • ~/ - Contents get inserted right before JAliEn is started.
  • ~/ - Contents get inserted right after JAliEn has finished.

Such customizations are in use at some sites to deal with special conditions and can also be handy for debugging.