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This document describes how to install and configure the site VO-Box to support ALICE VO services. This is a node on which long-lived agents and services will be deployed. These are expected to be provided at the sites. The agents/services deployment and support on the VO-Box is under VO responsibility.

See the following quick links to setup steps depending on your preferred deployment approach:

Generic/VM Step 1: General requirements, Network setup
Step 2: WLCG VO-Box Installation
Step 3: HTCondor/ARC Specifics
Step 4: Grid Monitoring: MonALISA
Container Step 1: Container requirements, Network Setup
Step 2: Install HTCondor/ARC VOBox container
Step 3: Grid Monitoring: MonALISA


General requirements for the VO node agents/services are as follows:

OS RH/Alma/Rocky EL9, 64-bit Linux. The machine usually will need to be a WLCG VOBOX
Hardware Minimum 4GB RAM, any standard CPU, 20GB for logs, 5GB cache


The following network connectivity is expected for the VO-Box services:

Port Access Service
1093 TCP Incoming from the World MonALISA FDT server, SE tests
8884 UDP Incoming from your site WN and your site SE nodes Monitoring info
9930 UDP Incoming from your site SE nodes XRootD metrics
ICMP Incoming and Outgoing Network topology for file placement and access

In the future, these extra services may be needed:

Port Access Service
8098 TCP Incoming from your site WN JAliEn/Java Serialized Object stream
8097 TCP Incoming from your site WN JAliEn/WebSocketS

In general, the assumption is that the outgoing connectivity from the VO-box and the WNs is unrestricted.

CERN has multiple networks that may all be used for Central Services, already now or in the future:

Protocol IP Range Note
IPv4 <- part of Central Services are here
IPv6 2001:1458::/32
2001:1458:301:54::/64 <- part of Central Services are here


Please mind the address masks in the above table


The VO-Box usually should be preinstalled as a standard WLCG VO-Box, following the instructions given at:

This procedure sets up a standard gLite UI, with the following additions (in particular provided by lcg-vobox RPM):

  • Only one local user account alicesgm (or equivalent), with no special privileges. Please DO NOT configure pool accounts for the SGM user on the VO-Box!
  • Access via gsissh, with selected users from the ALICE LCG VO mapped to the alicesgm account (YAIM handles that)
  • A proxy renewal service running, for the automatic renewal or registered proxies via the MyProxy mechanism (idem)
  • A host certificate, issued by one of the trusted LCG Certification Authorities. The machine also needs to be registered as a trusted host in the CERN MyProxy server,


To have the machine registered as trusted host in, send an email with the host certificate DN to You can get the host certificate DN by issuing the following command:

VO-Box> openssl x509 -in /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem -noout -subject

Additionally, specifically for ALICE, the following configuration details are required:

  • The home directory should not be mounted via NFS from some server (for performance reasons and because lock files may be kept there)
  • The experiment software is provided on the VO-box and Worker nodes through CVMFS. See the 'Setup CVMFS' section.